Alpha Educational & Technological Solutions Inc. addresses the requirement for smart learning. We do our best to provide great solutions for teachers and educators by supplying the required products and services. Our approach to do this mission is to be S.M.A.R.T.
S . M . A . R . T
The creativity in this unique approach is being Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic and Time-related.
Situation Analysis
– Evaluation of the client’s needs and/or wants and define the required statement
– Information gathering and research the current status
– Benchmarking the best solutions (ideal situation)
– Gap analysis (current and ideal situation)
Material and service required addressing the needs/wants
– Alternative solutions
– Recommendation of the best solution
– Facilitating the required Change
Achieve the specifies goals
Remain with the client
During the all steps from needs analysis, supplying the items, after sales support till getting the feedback from the customer on the provided solution and be of assistance for further requirements.
Total solution methodology
For helping our clients and focus on their needs and wants.